Real Information. Really Free.
Yeah, you read it right. This site is packed full and growing daily with free legal information that you can use to answer your questions about the law. From our tons of free content to our blog to our Q&A forum, we're a law firm that believes in helping you
not need a lawyer. Think of it like preventative medicine. Why pay a lawyer thousands to tell you what you can figure out for yourself?
So browse all you want. If you never need us, we're glad we could help. Send us an email and tell us your success story.
Need A Lawyer?
If you get to the end of all the free information and you still feel like you need more, it's probably time to consider hiring a lawyer. Of course, we hope you decide to give us a call, but no pressure. While you are deciding, we invite you to learn more about our founder,
Chris Doerfler, and about the
unique fee programs he pioneered. BadgerLawyer is Chris' way of providing great legal service at a reasonable price.
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Contact Us to schedule an appointment or find out more.